Monday May 20, 2024

RHONJ Season 14 Episode 3

We continue this weeks episode of RHONJ at the Jersey shore, except for Teresa and Louie, they have returned home to get ready for Gabriella leaving for college. But don't worry because Teresa is still the topic of conversation at Joe's Italian birthday bash. Marge and Rachel are upset with Fessler because she had a conversation with Teresa at Nate's dare she. Luckily Fessler is no soldier of Marge's and tells both of them that she we handle situations the way she wants and not how they want. Some how Marge and Fuda feel that simply having a conversation with Teresa puts Fessler in friend territory with Teresa. While Rachel tells Fessler she would never tell her who to be friends with....John clearly will, we all heard him tell her to pick a side.....

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